Today, happiness is … KC!

Not Kansas City silly!  Today was the release of Kenny Chesney’s live album.  It may be 30 degrees in KC tonight but I had the windows down and the Kenny turned up!  The songs, the storytelling, the energy …. I don’t know how I can possibly wait until next summer!  

Summer Camp is almost over!

One more day.  One more day.  We finally get to pick up our oldest son from camp tomorrow.  This is the first time he has been away from us for this long.  And yes, he’s 13.  Don’t judge me.  He is plenty old enough to handle this.  But I didn’t think I was!

But I did.  All week long.   I lived my life just like I do every other week.  With the one exception, I jumped every time my phone rang.  One day, I was at work – and it was him.  My son calling during the middle of the day?  Every other day – the phone call came at 10:30pm.  What’s wrong?  What happened?  Nothing.  Just calling to say hi and that he ripped his swim trunks!  Thank goodness we packed 2!

So, tomorrow – he’s coming home.  I know (from our phone calls) that he is having a good time.  But I also here that tone in his voice, that tone that says “I can’t wait to come home either, mom”.

One more day – I got this!

School is out already?

I just pulled up my Google calendar and tears welled up in my eyes.  How is it possible that there are only have 4 days of school left?  Now, the real stress begins.  What in the world do I do with my kids this summer?  Yes, I know.  In reality, I should have everything booked already.  But I don’t.  Just one camp is on the calendar.  And our summer vacation is on the calendar – but nothing has been booked yet.  Oops!

Sure, there will be days of doing nothing.  And that’s OK.  I’m not looking for something everyday.  Just some days.  It may sound sad, but what I’m looking forward to most – the sleeping in, the not rushing around in the morning to get everyone off to school, the taking it easy!  When you work full time and have to get kids off to school, it’s like another part time job!

Here is my plan (in case you were wondering) … have you heard of the “5 second rule”?   No, not the one where if food falls on the floor, you have 5 seconds to pick it up and eat it.  The one where you visualize your goal, countdown from 5 (5-4-3-2-1) and you get off your tush and do it.  It sounds so simple, but it does work.  Huge motivator for this procrastinator!

It’s only 80 days, right?  How hard can this be?!?

Summer Break 2017

Summer break is just weeks away.  Time to start planning what is going to keep your kids entertained all summer long!  Do you have a bucket list that you keep?  Do you have camps planned all summer long ranging from overnight to sports to creative?  There are so many options to do … sometimes we just don’t know where to start.

Here are my tips:

  1.  Get your child’s input.  What are they most looking forward to this summer.  Believe it or not it could just be hanging out with their friends!  Which makes planning a little easier!  But besides that, they may have ideas that are new to you and something you may have thought they may never be interested in!
  2. Plan 1-2 outings a week.  No need to fill everyday with something to do.  There is plenty of activities to do around the house.
  3. If you are planning camps, do it today!  Don’t wait until the last minute – deadlines come earlier than you think.
  4. Parks are a great day get away.  And they are free!  Lake Lenexa is still my favorite park.  Play area, trails, lake – what else could you look for in a great city park.  Pack a lunch, grab some snacks, and lots of drinks … you could be there all day!
  5. Be a tourist in your own city.  Time to explore the art, the history, the fun!

Hope this gets you started.  Stay tuned for more summer fun!

Summer break begins!!!

summer begins

Summer Break … Week 1

Go to the POOL!

Visit the Wednesday AM Downtown Overland Park Farmer’s Market.  Pick up lots of fresh fruits and veggies and honey sticks!!!  Get cinnamon rolls & peach tarts at the Clock Tower Bakery.

Have this summer’s inaugural fire pit lighting!  S’mores galore!

Build a fort and have movie night!

Visit the Gnome Home’s behind Deanna Rose!


What are your plans?


Kansas City Summer Fun, Take 1 ~ Fun in Nature!


We’ve been cooped up all winter long … and part of spring!  It’s time to get outside and enjoy the wonderful landscape of Kansas City!  Places to enjoy:

Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens

Powell Gardens,

Kauffman Memorial Gardens

Loose Park

Firefly Forest

Meadowmere Park’s Brumble’s Forest

Lakeside Nature Center

Ernie Miller Nature Center

Prairie Oak Nature Center at Ironwood Park