Cutting the cable

Who needs cable anyway?  I thought I did.  But guess what?  I don’t!  We have been talking about for the last year.  Why?  Because Google Fiber keeps raising our bill.  We did our research.  Talked to some friends.  And two weeks ago, we did it.  It is one the best decision we have ever made.  Not only are we saving ourselves $100 a month BUT we also get to watch all of the TV we want to …  just like we did before.  Actually, we have more options than before.

So, if you are like me and worried about how to do it and what will I miss.  I’m here to help you out!

Step 1:  Go to Walmart, Target, etc and buy an antenna and a Roku.  If you live in the suburbs, you are fine to go with the cheap antenna.  If you live in a more rural area, you are going to have to spend a little more on that antenna.  But it will still save you in the long run.  As far as the Roku, the $29 one is all that you need.  Do you really need to talk to your remote?  Well, if you do – you will need to spend a little more.  They other thing to consider is if you have an old tube TV, you can get the $35 Roku with the composite cables and it will work great.  We have one tube TV, hooked it up, and everything worked fine.

Step 2:  You don’t have to call your cable provider yet.  Just disconnect the cable from the TV.  Hook the antenna and Roku up and go through the set up.  For the antenna, you will need to scan to get your local channels.  For the Roku, you will need to enter some information.  It’s easy, just follow the screen.

Step 3:  Set all of the Roku channels you want.  The one that I do recommend is Sling TV.  This gets you some basic cable channels and some sports channels.  If you need your HGTV or you Fox Sports/ ESPN – than you need Sling!  Most of the channels have a 7 day free trial so you can test it out.  We did this and after 2 days decided that this was going to be awesome!

Step 4:  Call your cable provider and cancel your TV cable (not your internet – you will still need that!)

So our monthly bill went from $190 to $90 (internet ($50) + Sling TV ($20) + Fox Soccer Matchpass ($20).  Yes, that last one is a necessity in our house!

Just think what you could do with an extra $1200 a year!  So, are you ready to start saving your money?  Do it … today!

I just fired LinkedIn.

I’m done.  We are getting a divorce.  I don’t want to see you anymore.  I can’t take it.  You are driving me crazy.

No, I’m not talking about my husband.  I am talking about LinkedIn.  Are that many people happy with their jobs?  I’m calling bullshit on most of this crap.  Sure, it’s about networking.  Sure, it’s about making you look good in front of potential bosses.  But what it is really good at … making you look like the most popular kid in high school.  I saw today a guy had reached his max number of connections – 30,000.  Who knows 30,000 people?  No one.  OK, some people might.  But really?  What kind of quality relationship is that?   You know what that many connections means, right?   On your birthday, you are going to get 30,000 creepy birthday wishes.

So, back to the importance of LinkedIn.  Never mind, I’m going back to starting my own networking website.  Stay tuned …

Starting today

Starting today, I am just jumping in.  There is no where to run, no where to hide.  I have to believe that what I am put here to do is right around the corner.  So many choices, but which one do I want.  I don’t know.  I am so confused and I know something is just going to jump out at me.  And say – “here I am, take me”.  But I also know that I have to work for whatever it is that I am searching for.     I know that once I get there I will be the best damn contributor to the company.   But I have to get there.

Or do I have to get there.  Maybe this little slump I am in means that I am supposed to start my own business.  Where I get to make the difference in someones life.  Where I get to call the shots on a daily basis.  Where the only standard I have to live up to is mine.   And the person that I have to work hard for is ME.

Starting today, I am putting pen to paper.  Action to thought.  Striking my motivation – not stopping until I start.   And not stopping until I do something that is going to make a difference.  See.  There it is.   The last final solid words of commitment.  No more dragging my feet.  No more analysis paralysis.  No more freaking anxiety.  If someone is going to make a difference it’s ME.

I’m ready to make things happen.  Just you wait and see.

Gratitude in your life

What you wake up to each and every day … that is what is important.  Worrying about what is not there will only get in the way of your happpiness!

I am so grateful for my life … my husband, my kids, my family, my friends, my home.  Everyone and everything that fills my heart with joy.  Pure joy.  Pure happiness.  Pure gratitude.

What are you grateful for?

Mind Clutter

Perhaps it’s the fact that I’m sitting in the middle of a pile of junk mail and unfinished to do lists but this just really hit me today.  We store our brains with so much clutter that we lose focus on what is in the heart.   We need to take a few minutes every day to physically and mentally release all mind clutter and focus on the important things in life! 

Daily Bucket List

This is my List.  Every day.  30 days to create a habit.  I’m still in that 30 days.  But it feels good to be making progress!  The importance of each of these helps relieve the anxiety and stress of the hustle and bustle of being a Mom.  A working outside the home mom.  It’s not easy every day.   But baby steps … right?!?

Photo of the day

The hubs and I had a date night.  I’ll be honest, it has been a while.  Life gets in the way.  But we did it and it was a blast!  My photo of the day is courteous of our date at the Up-Down, a bar/arcade filed with tons of games from the 80’s/90’s!  

Top 10 ways to survive your son’s adolescent years.

  1. Wine.  We will just start with this one.  It helps anything!
  2. Deodorant – for him, not you.  Make sure you do this for his teacher too.  She is the one that has to be stuck in a room with him after PE & recess.  And most classrooms are pretty warm – are you getting the picture yet?
  3. Be OK with mistakes.  Yours.  His.   Don’t expect perfection.  And let them learn from their mistakes.
  4. Patience.  Lots and lots.  And lots and lots.
  5.  Take time for yourself.  Regain your sanity.  Girls night out.  Long bubble baths.  Movie by yourself.
  6. Remember that your child, in some way, inherited your traits.  That personality – yep, some of it came from you.  You must own up to it!
  7. You were once a tween too.  (Sorry, mom! God, I was bad!)
  8. Realize that boy drama does exist.  If you are thinking that you are exempt from drama because you have a son, you are sadly mistaken.  It’s real.  It’s there every. single. day.
  9. Only keep healthy food in your house.  Keep in mind, they will eat you out of a paycheck.  But if you only have healthy food then it’s a win-win situation!  Ha, mind tricks!
  10. Oh yeah, did I mention wine?

Enjoy it now.  One day he will be walking in the front door and his voice will start to crack.  Then you will start to reflect back on life when it was “easy”!