What to do in KC today (6/24/2017)

Looking for something to do today with the family in Kansas City?  Here are some ideas!

  1.  Did you see the weather forecast for this weekend?  I would suggest you pack up your family and head to a park, the zoo, Worlds of Fun, Deanna Rose.  Something outside because it’s only supposed to be in the 70’s today!  This stuff doesn’t happen in KC very often!  PS:   I would skip the pool.  We went yesterday and it was a little breezy for me.  But it didn’t seem to bother the kids.  Of course!
  2. Big Slick is everywhere!  Has anyone had a Paul Rudd sighting?  Rob Riggle?  Jason Sudeikis? Eric Stonestreet?  It is so awesome that these celebrities come home and bring a few of their friends with them to raise money for Children’s Mercy.  Today is the Big Slick Block Party and bowling tournament at Pinstripes.  The Block Party is free but everything is not.  It’s a fundraiser! Want more info?  Check out their website:  Big Slick KC
  3. Maker Faire KC @ Union Station.  Want to see where creativity + invention + resourcefulness collide?  Then you have to go check out the Maker Faire.  This is the place where passion comes to life for all ages!  Be inspired!  Maker Faire KC

Have a great day! 🙂