I just fired LinkedIn.

I’m done.  We are getting a divorce.  I don’t want to see you anymore.  I can’t take it.  You are driving me crazy.

No, I’m not talking about my husband.  I am talking about LinkedIn.  Are that many people happy with their jobs?  I’m calling bullshit on most of this crap.  Sure, it’s about networking.  Sure, it’s about making you look good in front of potential bosses.  But what it is really good at … making you look like the most popular kid in high school.  I saw today a guy had reached his max number of connections – 30,000.  Who knows 30,000 people?  No one.  OK, some people might.  But really?  What kind of quality relationship is that?   You know what that many connections means, right?   On your birthday, you are going to get 30,000 creepy birthday wishes.

So, back to the importance of LinkedIn.  Never mind, I’m going back to starting my own networking website.  Stay tuned …