Trip to Destin, FL

One week.  But who’s counting?  ME!  That’s who.  But why am I counting?  There is still so much to do.  Or is there?!?  The over-analyzer in me is trying to make sure that we EVERYTHING that we could possibly need for our little road trip to Destin next week.    But part of me just wants to pack our clothes and go.  They have stores in Florida, right?!?

So more importantly (yeah, right!) – what in the world are we going to do once we get down there.  I have been trying to figure it out for the last couple of weeks, then I put it in the hands of the hubs and the kids, and this is what we got:

  1.  BEACH.  That is a no brainer.  We are unloading the car and heading to the beach.  Kids, throw on your swim trunks.  It’s beach time!
  2. Parasailing.  I didn’t think anyone in my family would want to do this.  But when the subject was brought up, everyone said YES!  Even the ones that have an extreme fear of heights.  So parasailing it is!
  3. Snorkeling & Dolphin cruise.  We must see some dolphins.   That’s what you do when you go visit a beach, right?  Look for dolphins!  And snorkeling – who wouldn’t want to try this out?
  4. Paddle boarding.  More fun in the water!  Can’t wait to try it out!

Any other suggestions we must try out?  Just let me know now!  I love off the beaten path adventures too.  What is there to do that “google” won’t tell me?

Summer Vacation ~ Yellowstone!

Took a little trip to Yellowstone National Park!  Packed up the car and headed north – then headed west – then south – then east!!!  In 10 days, we covered 9 states and drove 2800 miles!  We all survived!  Needless to say, the trip was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!


1st stop ~ Mt. Rushmore!


Waited an hour for the herd of buffalo to cross the street in Custer State Park.


Then headed to Yellowstone!  {Yellowstone Lake}


Had to see the waterfalls!  Beautiful!


More of Yellowstone!  Picture on right – our bear sighting!


Yellowstone!  Bottom right – Old Faithful!


Drove through the Grand Tetons!


And then to Garden of the Gods!

And now we are back and school starts in one week!!! YIKES!!!