Gratitude in your life

What you wake up to each and every day … that is what is important.  Worrying about what is not there will only get in the way of your happpiness!

I am so grateful for my life … my husband, my kids, my family, my friends, my home.  Everyone and everything that fills my heart with joy.  Pure joy.  Pure happiness.  Pure gratitude.

What are you grateful for?

Mind Clutter

Perhaps it’s the fact that I’m sitting in the middle of a pile of junk mail and unfinished to do lists but this just really hit me today.  We store our brains with so much clutter that we lose focus on what is in the heart.   We need to take a few minutes every day to physically and mentally release all mind clutter and focus on the important things in life! 

Daily Bucket List

This is my List.  Every day.  30 days to create a habit.  I’m still in that 30 days.  But it feels good to be making progress!  The importance of each of these helps relieve the anxiety and stress of the hustle and bustle of being a Mom.  A working outside the home mom.  It’s not easy every day.   But baby steps … right?!?

Keep it Simple

What if everyone in this world did this every single day.  Your neighbors. Your friends. Your enemies.  This world would be a different place.  It would be a place where we wouldn’t have to worry.  I can picture it now!

So be nice to everyone. You never know someone’s story.  They could’ve had a bad day. They could’ve. Their child maybe didn’t behave this morning. Maybe their health isn’t so good. You never now. So just be nice. 

Do what’s right. We are adults, we know the difference. There is right. And there is wrong. What side do you want to be on? You may think it’s a little white lie. You may think that it is it going to hurt anyone. Whatever it might be – just remember to do what’s right!

Smile.  It increases your face value. It could make someone’s day. It can make your day.  When someone walks by you – flash a smile and see what happens!  You may be surprised!

What will you do today to change tomorrow?

The Days are …

Raising kids, I have always heard the phrase “the days are long but the years are short”.  And it’s true.  The years are short.  But now, it seams like the days are getting shorter and shorter too.  Get the kids off to school.  Go to work.  Come home from school/work.  Go to practice.  Eat dinner.  Homework.  Go to bed.  It seams like from “get the kids off to school” to “go to bed”, it’s becoming one, big blur.

So many times throughout the day, I just want to hit the pause button.  And then you know that button that is next to the pause button, the one with the play sign with the line under it.  I’m sure there is some name for it – oh yeah, it’s the slow motion button.  I want one of those in my life too.  I want everything to slow down for minute.  I want to stop and talk, and listen, and just be in the moment.  I want to watch my children grow by the centimeters and not by the inches.   I want to enjoy the small expressions of joy just as much as the big ones!

Don’t blink, right?