October Bucket List Fail

My child asked for one thing a couple of weeks ago.  One thing and I cannot deliver!  He wanted to go to the Ren Fest.  Mom, can we go?  Sure!  And then … BOOM!  It’s October 12th and the last day for the Ren Fest is in 3 days.  Really?  How did that happen?  It happened because of life.  Trying to cram too many things into a small time period and what do you get – grown up children.   That blink I had – it must have lasted 4 weeks.  How?  I don’t understand.

You know when you get that feeling inside that you need to do something about something.  But the problem is that you don’t know what something A is and you sure in the hell don’t know what something B is.  You just know there is something.  That is where I am right now.  Trying to figure out my somethings.  Not easy for 44 year old to do.  But I left work today with some determination.  As Simon Sinek says, I’m going to find my WHY!  Not my WHY is business but my WHY in life.

I know I am here for my kids.  Although, as they get older, I am realizing they don’t need me as much as I think they need me.  I am here for my husband.   But why am I here for ME?  Why have I always left this part out?

Well, not anymore sister!  I’m finding my WHY.  It may take a few seconds but with hard work and determination – I will find the definition of those somethings!  And while The Ren Fest is just about over, I know that I will find another fun, family outing for this October!  And that will be the beginning of my WHY!


I know everything is popping up pumpkin flavored right now.  But that is not exactly what I am talking about here!  I am talking about the actual pumpkin.  The official symbol of fall.  (OK, so I’m not sure if it is the “official” symbol of fall, but to me it is!)

Sure, you can go grab a pumpkin out of the big box in Walmart.  OR you can take a day trip to go visit a pumpkin patch, have some kettle corn, have some apple cider donuts, have a cup of hot chocolate and come home all worn out and dusty.

Even though our kids are a little older now, we still love going out the pumpkin patch!  My youngest son (age 10) has to find the biggest possible pumpkin.  His life motto (so far) is “go big, or go home”!  My oldest son (age 13) – finds the first one that isn’t rotten and decides that’s the one.  Can we go home now?  But he is a good sport, waiting for little brother to find the perfect match.  All in all, it’s a great family day that we get to sneek in to our busy fall schedule.

In case you were needing some pumpkin patch ideas, here you go …

Our go-to pumpkin patch each year is Schaake’s Pumpkin Patch.  It’s free to get in.  It’s has free hayrides.   The pumpkins are reasonably priced.  It’s just a great, local pumpkin patch.  It’s not huge, it doesn’t have giant trampoline, there are no zip lines – it’s just a pumpkin patch.  But it’s also great family fun.  Opens September 24th!

Louisburg Cider Mill & Pumpkin Patch.  Apple Cider Donuts.  That’s all I have to say!  OK, there is a lot of fun here also for kids of all ages – corn maze, slides, giant jump pillow, the list goes on!  Pumpkin Patch opens September 15th!

Carolyn’s Country Cousins Pumpkin Patch.  Old fashioned wagon rides into the pumpkin patch,  jump on Little Bud’s Railroad, watch live pig races, mine for minerals – are just a few of the activities at this pumpkin patch!  Open 7 days a week from 10am – 7pm starting September 16th through October 31st.

What is your favorite pumpkin patch or do you prefer the big box at Walmart?  I promise, I won’t judge!


Fall is almost here!

Pumpkin spice everything. Leaves are changing colors. Festivals are lining up all over the place. This only means one thing … fall is right around the corner.

Fall is my favorite season. Early sunsets. Blankets out all over the place. Fireplace ready to go for that first cool evening. Don’t forget the cozy sweaters! Oh and the warm, hearty meals that have been put on the back burner because it’s 105 degrees outside and who wants to think about soups! So many things to look forward to.

Here is a list of my favorite fall festivals around the KC area.

Louisburg Cider Mill Ciderfest and Craft Fair

9/24-9/25 and 10/1-10/2
Check out more information here

Wild West Days

Click here for more information.

Weston Applefest

More information on the Weston Applefest can be found here.

The Renaissance Festival (aka the KC Ren Fest)

Every weekend (Sat. & Sun.) from 9/16-10/15
Details here.

What is your favorite Fall Festival in Kansas City?

Back to school

Back to school is among us.  No more sleepovers.  No more being lazy.  No more sleeping in until noon.

Starting tomorrow, everyone will be up and out the door by 8:15am.  Running to school.  Hanging out with their friends.  Hustling to go from school to cross country to soccer.   It’s a sigh of relief for most parents and for others, it’s full of tears.  I’m not really sure if they are tears of sadness or tears of happiness, but either way, it is a day full of emotions!

I’m sure before we know it, we will be saying “where did this year go”.  But for now, I’m going to enjoy this moment.  And I say this every year, but I’m going to take it one day at a time!

So, to everyone out there that is getting ready to ship their kids off … Happy First Day of School!  Enjoy it! 🙂


What to do in KC today (6/24/2017)

Looking for something to do today with the family in Kansas City?  Here are some ideas!

  1.  Did you see the weather forecast for this weekend?  I would suggest you pack up your family and head to a park, the zoo, Worlds of Fun, Deanna Rose.  Something outside because it’s only supposed to be in the 70’s today!  This stuff doesn’t happen in KC very often!  PS:   I would skip the pool.  We went yesterday and it was a little breezy for me.  But it didn’t seem to bother the kids.  Of course!
  2. Big Slick is everywhere!  Has anyone had a Paul Rudd sighting?  Rob Riggle?  Jason Sudeikis? Eric Stonestreet?  It is so awesome that these celebrities come home and bring a few of their friends with them to raise money for Children’s Mercy.  Today is the Big Slick Block Party and bowling tournament at Pinstripes.  The Block Party is free but everything is not.  It’s a fundraiser! Want more info?  Check out their website:  Big Slick KC
  3. Maker Faire KC @ Union Station.  Want to see where creativity + invention + resourcefulness collide?  Then you have to go check out the Maker Faire.  This is the place where passion comes to life for all ages!  Be inspired!  Maker Faire KC

Have a great day! 🙂

Trip to Destin, FL

One week.  But who’s counting?  ME!  That’s who.  But why am I counting?  There is still so much to do.  Or is there?!?  The over-analyzer in me is trying to make sure that we EVERYTHING that we could possibly need for our little road trip to Destin next week.    But part of me just wants to pack our clothes and go.  They have stores in Florida, right?!?

So more importantly (yeah, right!) – what in the world are we going to do once we get down there.  I have been trying to figure it out for the last couple of weeks, then I put it in the hands of the hubs and the kids, and this is what we got:

  1.  BEACH.  That is a no brainer.  We are unloading the car and heading to the beach.  Kids, throw on your swim trunks.  It’s beach time!
  2. Parasailing.  I didn’t think anyone in my family would want to do this.  But when the subject was brought up, everyone said YES!  Even the ones that have an extreme fear of heights.  So parasailing it is!
  3. Snorkeling & Dolphin cruise.  We must see some dolphins.   That’s what you do when you go visit a beach, right?  Look for dolphins!  And snorkeling – who wouldn’t want to try this out?
  4. Paddle boarding.  More fun in the water!  Can’t wait to try it out!

Any other suggestions we must try out?  Just let me know now!  I love off the beaten path adventures too.  What is there to do that “google” won’t tell me?

Summer Camp is almost over!

One more day.  One more day.  We finally get to pick up our oldest son from camp tomorrow.  This is the first time he has been away from us for this long.  And yes, he’s 13.  Don’t judge me.  He is plenty old enough to handle this.  But I didn’t think I was!

But I did.  All week long.   I lived my life just like I do every other week.  With the one exception, I jumped every time my phone rang.  One day, I was at work – and it was him.  My son calling during the middle of the day?  Every other day – the phone call came at 10:30pm.  What’s wrong?  What happened?  Nothing.  Just calling to say hi and that he ripped his swim trunks!  Thank goodness we packed 2!

So, tomorrow – he’s coming home.  I know (from our phone calls) that he is having a good time.  But I also here that tone in his voice, that tone that says “I can’t wait to come home either, mom”.

One more day – I got this!

Swope Park Rangers

OK, so if you haven’t gone to a Swope Park Rangers game with your family yet – you need to!  The Swope Park Rangers are the USL (D2) soccer team in KC.  They play all of their home games at Swope Park Soccer Village.  Tickets are relatively inexpensive and the atmosphere is pretty family oriented – as long as you don’t mind a few hecklers!  And if you are going with small children, you might want to stay away from the Zoo.  These supporters are fun and keep the energy going,  but a little rowdy at times!

Here is what you need to know if you are planning to attend a game:

  • The schedule
  • All home games are at Swope Park Soccer Village
  • Parking is free and close to the field.
  • The price of tickets range from $7 – $15 per person.
  • Their mascot is Hat Trick Harry.  This video explains where he came from!
  • The seats are bleacher seats.  You might want to bring a cushion to sit on!
  • The bathroom.  Let me tell you about the bathroom.  It’s a porta potty.  BUT it’s not just any porta potty.  It’s a luxury porta potty.  You walk into a trailer and it’s a fully decorated “bathroom”.  (At least for the ladies.   Sorry guys – not sure what your side looks like!)
  • Keep your eye out for current SKC players wondering the stadium.  We went to a game last year and Peter Vermes was there with a handful of players.  My son was ultra excited when his favorite, Nuno Coelho, was there and gave him a high five!
  • After game autographs!  Enjoy watching the kids line up against the rope as the players walk off the field and sign autographs.  Even after running for the last 90 minutes, they are all very personable and awesome to the kids (and parents too if you want to step in there!)

So there you have it.  Now, go get your tickets!

Father’s Day in KC

Looking for something fun to do with Dad this weekend?  Here are some of my favorite ideas:

  1.  Top Golf.  Everyone knows that dads love to golf.  OK, well maybe that’s just me stereotyping!  But Top Golf is a lot of fun.  And not just for dad.  It’s like whole family fun!  Check out http://www.topgolf.com for Father’s Day festivities.
  2. Swope Park Rangers game.  Have you heard of them yet?  Well, if you are one of the 30,000 families in the KC area that has a soccer player in your house, you need to know who they are.  They are the USL extension of Sporting KC (they play Division 2 to the MLS).  Their games are fast, energetic, and very family oriented.  You get to be thisclose to all of the soccer action.  Game starts at 4pm!DCNwWbZU0AAehjN
  3. Dads get in free to the KC Zoo.  Introduce Papa Bear to Papa Bear!  And don’t forget the free hotdogs for dads (<— cheap date).
  4. And when all else fails, there is always food!  What dad wouldn’t just love to get a hold of some good ol’ BBQ on his special day!  My fave?  Q39.  Visit their website, http://www.q39kc.com – you can just taste it through your computer!

Whatever you do, just know – spending TIME with dad is what is really important!

Be a tourist in your own city.

Sometimes the best things are staring us right in the face.  We try so hard to make the most of every precious moment with our kids.  To make sure they have BIG experiences.  To make sure they have childhood memories that will last forever!

But really matters most to our kids is just the time that we spend with them.  We could take them on a tour of a used car lot, and as long as we were spending time with them, they would be happy.  Well, some would!

I recently saw a video of guy that was at a park with his kid.  He was too busy with his eyes glued to his phone that he didn’t realize that his kid had been lured away.  Now, of course, we know it was a set up and the child was safe.  But truly, point made.

If we don’t stop what we are doing – focus on what’s important – our kids are going to slip away.  They are going to go to high school, then college, then they will get married and have their own families.  (insert tons of tears here.)

Wait a minute …. I am supposed to be talking about being a tourist in your city.  How did I get off on that tangent?!?  Because what I want to talk about is this – don’t try and re-invent the wheel.  We live in a pretty cool city.   Take advantage of it.  Take in the fountains.  Take in a Royal’s game.  Go to Deanna Rose.  Go to Sea Life Aquarium.  Go to Kaleidoscope.

Just Google it!  This is what came up for “the best family things to do in Kansas City”.

  • Crown Center
  • Liberty Memorial
  • KC Zoo
  • Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art
  • Nelson-Atkins Museum
  • Science City
  • Oceans of Fun
  • Truman Library
  • Worlds of Fun
  • Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
  • American Jazz Museum
  • Swope Park

Once again, this is a pretty cool city we live in.  Just need to see it through the eyes of child to remember everything we have here!

Happy summer!