Make Good Choices

Every day I send my kids off to school with one piece of wisdom.  “Make good choices.”  As they turn back to me with a half smile smirk, I know they just hear words coming out of my mouth.  But deep down, it is my hope, that they know what I mean.  What I really mean.  And that I am being serious in a non-serious tone.

Every day, they can choose to do something bad or they can choose to do something good.  They can choose to not listen to their teacher or they can choose to listen and learn from her.  They can choose to be nice to the boy in the corner that is having a rough day.  They can choose to fight hard for that grade.  And most importantly, they can choose to find joy in their day.  And look at all of the wonderful things that they get to surround themselves with …. a warm building, friends, good teachers, food, water, books, opportunities.

I want them to know that making good choices will make them happy.  It will show that they are brave.  It will show that they are purposeful.  It will show that they are living an intentional life leading them in all of the right directions.

We can’t control our children and what they do every moment of every day, but we can make sure that they have all of the right tools to make sure they know right from wrong.  



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